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الجوري 75

:: عضو متقدم ::

تجارب علوم بسيطة لوحدة العلوم الفيزيائية , كيف تصنع نموذج غواصة

نقدم لكم هذة التجربة العلمية البسيطة والتي توضح كيفية صنع نموذج غواصة , وهذه التجربة تصلح كمشروع علمي لطلاب المرحلة الابتدائية

ملاحظة : سوف يتم ارفاق ترجمة للتجربة من مواقع ترجمة قوقل شاهد المرفقات


Cartesian Diver

Air, Air Pressure, Air Currents
Things You Will Need
  • Tall, wide-mouthed glass jar
  • Balloon
  • Small, wide-mouthed bottle (medicine bottle type)
  • Waterproof adhesive tape
  • Large metal washer slightly larger than the mouth of the small bottle
  • Knife
  • Water
  • Large rubber band
  • Small rubber band or small piece of string

  • Do This
    1. Tape a large metal washer over the mouth of a small bottle.
    2. Have an adult cut out the tape covering the hole in the center of the washer.
    3. Cut about one-fourth of the bottom portion off a balloon. Stretch the larger portion of the balloon with the neck over the mouth of a wide-mouthed jar to be sure it will completely cover the mouth. Close the neck of the balloon by tying it with a small
    4. Fill the jar almost to the brim with water.
    5. Push the small bottle with the washer upside-down into the glass jar and allow water to flow into the bottle. Leave enough air in the bottle so that the small bottle is barely afloat. The bottom of the bottle should be just below the surface of the wate
    6. Gently refill the jar almost to the brim with water.
    7. Stretch the balloon across the mouth of the jar and secure it in place with a large rubber band.
    8. Gently press down on the center of the stretched balloon.
    9. Observe what happens to the bottle in the jar.
    10. Hold onto the tied balloon neck and gently pull up on the center of the stretched balloon.
    What Should Have Happened
    • The smaller bottle should have sunk toward the bottom when you pressed down on the balloon and risen when you pulled up on the balloon. Pressing down on the balloon increased the pressure inside the jar that causes the water to move into the open end of the small bottle. This extra water increased the weight of the bottle. Pulling up on the balloon released some pressure in the jar and lowered the water level in the bottle. The bottle can float upward when its weight is reduced. The Cartesian diver was invented in the early 1600's by the French mathematician and philosopher Rene Descartes. Submarines move up and down in the water by a similar method.

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: docx غواصة ديكارت.docx‏ (58.1 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 107)


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عطية دوشي

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يشاهدون الموضوع : 1 ( عضو0 زائر 1)

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