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الساعة الآن 06:09 AM

منتديات ياكويت.

للتسجيل إضغط هنا

أدوات الموضوع
إضافة رد

الحب والحنان

:: عضو نشيط ::


محمد حسيب

:: عضو نشيط ::

جزاكم الله خيرا


:: عضو جديد ::

جزاكم الله خيرا

مدحت شتا

:: عضو قادم ::


ahmed esmail

:: عضو قادم ::

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة معلمة علوم مشاهدة المشاركة

مقدم لكم نموذج تدريبات واوراق عمل مادة لغة انجليزية للصف الثالث الابتدائي



i. Fill in with words from the list3x5=15)
[ beautiful – always – jungle – get dressed ]

1. We …………………………… get up at 6 o’clock.

2. Polly is a ……………………….…. Parrot.

3. I wash and ………………………………… to go to school.
ii. Match the numbers with their names: (4x5=20)
seven 13
fifteen 11
thirteen 7
eleven 15


choose the correct answers3x5=15)
1. (what – where – when) time do you go to school ? At 7.
2. Nora (see – saw – sees ) a bird ,yesterday.
3. I want to try (on – in – out) this jacket, please.
__________________________________________________ ___

language function

match the stimuli with the responses3x5=15)
1. This is my friend, mona. ( ) - let’s read it.
2. I have an email. ( ) - i’m sorry, i can’t.
3. How are you, fahed ? ( ) - fine, thank you.

grade 3


read the following , then answer the questions: 1 -

polly is a good parrot .she likes shopping . Yesterday , she went to salmiya to buy a new necklace .she went with ali, haya and mum. There are lots of shops in salmiya . Polly bought a very big necklace. It was pink . They saw many beautiful buildings ,too .

a – read and match : (2x5=10)

1 – there are lots of shops - with ali's family .

2 – polly bought - in salmiya .

- a necklace .

b – answer the following : (2x5=10)

what does polly like ? 1 -

polly likes -------------------------- .

2 – what colour was the necklace ?

It was ------------------------------ .


2 – re – order the following 4x10=40)

1) always – late – is – ali .


2) walked – she – beach – the – to .


3) get up – usually –do – when –you ?


4) grand mosque – the – city – in – is – kuwait.


3 - complete the missing letters : (5x6=30)

--unri—e j—n—le t—we—s e—a—l gra—dmo--her


3 – write in good cursive handwriting 1x20=20)

there are many boats in the harbour.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________________ ________


punctuate the following (2x5=10)

jassim goes to school , everyday

read the following, then answer the questions:
dear mona,
my hobby is reading books. I like it very much. I read books about animals. My brother, saad , likes bike racing. We will be at the park, tomorrow. Can you come to have lunch with us ?
Bye, sara.
a:read and match: (2x5=10)
1. Sara and saad ( ) reading books about animals.
2. Sara likes ( ) bike racing .
( ) will have lunch together.
b:answer the following: (2x5=10)
1. What’s sara’s hobby ?
Her hobby is ………………………………………………………….
2. Where will sara be, tomorrow ?
Sara will be ……………………………………………………………


punctuate the following: (2x5=10)
salem will go swimming ,tomorrow


re-order the following: (4x10=40)
1. Club – goes – haya – to – a sports .
2. Is – taking – dad – photos .
3. Starts – school – at – seven – past – half.
4. Football – ali – is – at – good.


complete the missing letters: (5x6=30)

bas_ e_ ball

c__ l __

t__n n_ s

s_ e _ ls




write in good cursive hand writing1x20=20)

polly is painting a picture, now.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __ __________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ __________________________
الف الف الف شكر

الدانة الوردية

:: عضو جديد ::

thanks alot


:: عضو قادم ::

مشكورين على المجهودات القيمة


:: عضو نشيط ::

wonderful work thank you


:: عضو جديد ::




يشاهدون الموضوع : 7 ( عضو0 زائر 7)

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