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الابحاث والكتب العلمية أبحاث الحاسب الآلي, وكل مايتعلق بالتكنولوجيا

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:: عضو برونزي ::

سلسلة الكتب الطبية - الجزء العاشر
Toxins in food
Natural Toxins of Plant Origin
Mushroom Toxins
Phytoestrogens in Food Plants
Food Allergies and Food Intolerance El _ zbieta Kucharska
Biogenic Amines in Foods
Marine Phycotoxins in Seafood
Bacterial Toxins
Heavy Metals
Pesticides in Food
Antibiotic and Hormone Residues in Foods and their Significance
The Effect of Processing on the Nutritional Value and Toxicity of Foods
Toxic Components of Food Packaging Materials
Epidemiological and Medical Impact of Toxins in Foods
Perception of food quality
Foods as cellular systems: impact on quality and preservation
Protein instability
Biochemical processes:lipid instability
Biochemical processes: carbohydrate instability
Biochemical aspects: nutritional bioavailability
Color: origin, stability, measurement, and quality
Effect of storage on texture
Water migrationand food storage stability
Factors affecting permeation, sorption, and migration processes in package–product systems
Mathematical modeling of quality loss
Stored product quality:open dating andtemperature monitoring

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يشاهدون الموضوع : 1 ( عضو0 زائر 1)

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