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الجوري 75

:: عضو متقدم ::

تجارب علوم بسيطة لوحدة العلوم الفيزيائية , هل للهواء وزن

اقدم لكم تجربة علمية بسيطة توضع انه للهواء وزن من خلال ادوات بسيطة متوفر لدي الجميع

ملاحظة تم ترجمة التجربة في مواقع قوقل للترجمة وارفاقها بالموضوع شاهد المرفقات


As Light As Air

Air, Air Pressure, Air Currents

  • Things You Will Need
    • Four identical balloons
    • String
    • Long wooden dowel (about 36 inches)
    • Long wooden dowel (about 36 inches)
    • A pencil with flat sides
    • Two equal-sized cans or jars
    • Tape
    • Marking pen
  • Do This
    1. Mark the middle of a long wooden dowel.
    2. Set two cans or jars of equal size on end about 6 inches apart on top of the table.
    3. Rest a pencil across the bottoms of the two cans or jars.
    4. Place the middle of the dowel across the pencil so that it is level. Secure the dowel to the pencil with a small piece of tape that still allows the dowel to seesaw.
    5. Blow up and tie off two balloons to equal sizes, the third balloon to a much larger size, and the fourth balloon to a much smaller size.
    6. Tie a short piece (about 5 inches) of string to each balloon. Tie a loop in the free end of the string on each balloon.
    7. Using the string loops, hook the two balloons of equal size onto the ends of the dowel. The balloons should have remained level.
    8. Exchange one of the balloons for the smaller balloon. How does the level change?
    9. Exchange the smaller balloon for the larger balloon. How does the level change?
    What Should Have Happened
    • Air takes up space and also has weight. Weight is a measure of the force of gravity on an object. If the two balloons were really equal in size and the dowel was positioned correctly, they should have remained at the same level. The larger balloon should have tipped the balance downward and the smaller balloon should have risen upward. This demonstrates that air does have weight.

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: docx خفيفة مثل الهواء.docx‏ (31.3 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 143)


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معنى الحياه

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سيد عمان

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يسلموا ع المجهود الرائع

ام مهندواسيل

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جزاكم الله الف خير


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يعطيكم العااافية


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الله وفقوا على هذه الاعمال الجليلة

راكان خالد

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يشاهدون الموضوع : 1 ( عضو0 زائر 1)
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