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بحث للتخصصات الصحية للصيدله عن أهم مجموعات الادوية + الاسماء العلمية والتجارية

بحث للتخصصات الصحية للصيدله

عن أهم مجموعات الادوية + الاسماء العلمية والتجارية

بحث للتخصصات الصحية للصيدله
عن أهم مجموعات الادوية +
الاسماء العلمية والتجارية والترياق والجرعات والآثار الجانبية

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته:
هذه المراجعه مهمه جدا جدا جدا

قبل دخول اختبار هئيه التخصصات الصحيه للصيدله
تحتوي على أهم مجموعات الادويه والاسماء العلميه والتجاريه
والترياق والجرعات والآثار الجانبية
وغيرها الكثير
اتمنى الفائدة للجميع ان شاء الله


*Hepatotoxic drugs

1- Paracetamol

2- Erythromycin

3- Roxithromycin

4- Carbemazole

5- Chloropromazine

6- Methyltesterone

7- Thiazide

*Enzyme inducer

1- rifampicin

2- phenobarbitol

3- carbamazepin

4- phenytoin

5- theophylline

6- Oral contraceptive


*Enzyme inhibitor

1- INH

2- chlormphenicol

3- cimetidine

4- Erythromycin

5- allopurinol

6- clofibrate

7-azoles group

*Drugs contraindicated in liver disease

1- methyltestosterone

2- erythromycin

3- roxythromycin

4- chloropromazine

5- carbimazole

6- thiazides




10- amphotricin

11- grisofulvin

*Mucolytic drugs

1- Bromhexine
2- Carbocystene
3- Acetylcystene
4- Ambroxol
5- Guiafenasin

1- Anions a- iodide
b- chloride
c- bicarbonate
d- aetate
2- Squill
3- Ipecachuana
4- Creosote
5- Volatile oil
*Cough sedative, antitussive
1- Codeine
2- Dextromethorphan
3- Phlocodeine
4- Methadone
5- Morphine
6- Isbalamine
1- Tobramycin
2- Kanamycin
3- Neomycin
4- Netilimycin
5- Streptomycin
6- Sisomycin
7- Amikacin
8- Aminosidine sulphate
*Drug drug interaction
1- Warfarin and aspirin
2- Warfarin and INH
3- warfrin and phenobarbital
4- heparin and insulin
5- spiromolactone and digoxin
*ACE inhibitor
1- captopril
2- enalpril
3- lisinopril
4- fosinopril
5- benzapril
*calcium channel blocker
1- veapamil trade name Isoptin ®
2- nefidipine trade name Adalat ®
3- deltiazem trade name Dilzium ®
4- isradepine trade name lomir ®
5- amlodipine trade name Amlor ®
*uses of calcitonin
1- to lower plasma calcium concenteration in some patient with
2- treatment of severe bone disease (pain relief)
3- relieving some neurological complication
4- treatment of Pagets disease (hypercalcemia associated with pain )
*Three drug which have narrow therapeutic index
1- theophylline
2- digoxine
3- warfarin
*Side effect of thiazide
1- hypo for mineral as hypomagnesmia , hyponatremia and
except calcium hypercalcemia
2- hyper for food as hyperlipidemia , hyperuricemia and
*Side effect of loop diuretics
1- hypo for mineral as hypomagnesmia , hyponatremia ,
hypokalemia and hypocalcemia
2- hyper for food as hyperlipidemia , hyperuricemia and
3- ototoxicity
*side effect of anti cholinergics
1- dry mouth
2- dilatation of the pupil
3- thirsty
4- increase of intraocular pressure ( glucoma )
5- flushing
6- dry skin
7- palptation and arrythemia
8- urine retension
9- constipation
10- bradycardia followed by tachycardia

1- acyclovir
2- famcyclovir
3- amantadine HCL
4- iodoxuridine
5- zidovudine
6- gancyclovir
7- tribaverin
8- foscarnet
9- didanoside
10- inosine pranobex
*parlodel (bromocriptine) is used for
1- suppression of lactation by inhibiting prolactin release
2- treatment of galactorrhea
3- benign breast tumor
4- inhibit release of growth hormone
5- parkinsonism
6- acromegaly
7- male hypognadism
8- infertility
*anti androgenic antagonists
1- cyproterone acetate
2- trade name Androcure®
3- used in male for hypersexuality and prostate cancer
4- used in female for hiursutism and acne
*What are uses of daizepines
1- anti anixety and in relief insomnia
2- adjuvant therapy in alcoholism withdrawal
3- pre operative ( pre anesthetic medicine)
4- sedative , and hypnotic
5- antidepressant
6- Anticonvulsant
*Drugs which induce D.M syndrome
1- Adrenaline
2- Thyroxine
3- Glucagon
4- Corticosteroid
5- Oral contraceptive
6- Growth hormone
7- Fuoresmide
*Contra indication
1- Theophylline + erythromycin ( enzyme inhibitor )
2- Aldacone + capoten ( both cause hyperkalemia )
3- Fuoresmide + aminoglycoside (both cause ototoxicity )
*Drug that enhance action of warfarin
1- Enzyme inhibitor
2- Those inhibit vitamin K synthesis by nomal flora
Oral antibiotic
3- Those inhibit vitamin K absrption
Liquid parafin
4- Diplacement from its binding site
a- Salicylate
b- Phenylbutazone
c- Diazoxide
d- Sulfonamide
e- Clofibrate
*Drug that inhibit action of warfarin
1- Enzyme inducer
2- Increase level of vitamin K
Administeration of vitamin
3- Inhibit of GIT absorption
As Cholestyramine
*Uses of phynotin
1- Epilepsy
2- Antiarrythemic
3- Migraine
1- Enzyme inhibitor (D.D.I)
2- Contrindicated with
a- Pregnancy
b- Gastritis
c- Acute gout
d- Liver impairment
3- Acute attack of gout occur in early treatment so coichicine should
be administered with
4- Side effect of allopurinol include
a- Hypersensitivity
b- Alopecia
c- GIT disturbance
d- Hepatotoxicity
e- A granulocytosis
f- A plastic anemia
5- Uses
a- Gout prophylaxis
b- Treat hyperuricemia
*Drug used in treatment brucellosis
1- doxycycline 100 mg po bid + rifampin 600-900 mg / d po for 6 weeks
2- doxycycline 100mg po bid for 6 weeks + streptomycin 1 g /d IM daily
for 2-3 weeks
*Insulin used IV in diabetic coma , diabetic ketoacidosis ,
Advantages of Insulin used IV are no body tolerance , and no allergic
*Dose of cortisone in cerebral oedema is
Intial dose 10 mg IV then 4 mg IM every 6 hr for 2-10 days
*Nicotine poisoning treated by KMnO4 1/10000 concenteration
*Antiseptic for human while disinfectant not for human
*Reparil contain 20 mg amorphous ascien and used in legs ulcer,
oedema , hemoroids , and varicose vein
*Ipecacquana is acting as
1- Emetic
2- Expectorant in sub emetic dose

Trade names

*sulphonyl urea
1st generation Oral Hypoglycemic drugs

Tolbutamide -Rastinone
Chlorpropamide- Diabense
Acetohexamide- Dimelor
2nd generation Oral Hypoglycemic drugs

Glibenclamide- Daonil
Gliclazide -Diamicron
Glipizide -Minidiab
Metformin- Glucophage
Metformin+Rosiglitazone- Avandamet
Rosiglitazone -Avandia
Repaglinide -Novonorm
Metformin+Glinbenclamide -Glucovance
Human soluble Insulin (Regular Insulin)- Human R
Human isophane insulin(NPH)- Insulatard
Regular Insulin+ NPH- Mixtard
*Drugs for hypoglycemia

Glucagon- Glucagon
* Non sedating antihistaminic

Cetrizine- Zyrtec
Loratadine -Claritne
Fexofenadine -Telfast
Terfenadrine- Teldane
Asetmazole- hismanl
sedating anti histaminic

Chlorpheniramine- Anallerg
Promethazine HCL- Phenargen
Pheneramine -Avil
Clemastine- Tavagyl
Dimenhydrinate- Dramamine
Indomethacin- Indocid
Diclofenac- Voltaren, rheumafen
Ibuprofen -Brufen
Mefenamic acid -Ponstan
Meloxicam- Mobic
Piroxicam- F eldin
Loronoxicam- Xefo
Paracetamol -Panadol , adol
Acetyl salicylic acid- Aspirin
Diflunisal- Dolobid
Ketoprofen -Profenid
Tolmetin -Tolectin
Naproxen- Naprosyn
Drugs for Gout
Allopurinol- Zyloric
colchicine- Colchicine
Skeletal Muscle Relaxants
Baclofen- Liordsal
Tizandin- Sirdalud
Chlorzoxazone- Parafon

*Antimalarial drug


Menendazole- Vermox
Levamizole- Ketrax
Niclosamide- Yomesan
Pranziquantel -Biltracide
Albendazole- Zentel
Pyrantel -Combantrin
Antiprotozoal Drugs
Chloroquine Phosphate -Navaquine
Mefloquine HCL -Mephaquin
Primaquine Phosphate- Primaquine
Quinine- Quinine
Pyrimethamine+ Sulfadoxine- Fansidar
Metronidazole- Flagyl
Diloxanide Furoate -Furamide
Pyrimethamine -Daraprim
Oxymaquine- Vansil

Praziquantil is useed for all type of schistosaoma in dose 40 mg / kg / day
Oxymaquine is effective against S.mansomi only In dose 15 mg / kg / day

*Mucolytic ' expectorant and antitussive

Cough Suppressant ( antitussive )

Dextromethorphan- Kafosed
Expectorants & mucolytics
Bromohexine -Bisolvon
Acetyl cistein- Mucomist
Ambroxol HCL- Ambroxol HCL
Guaifenesin- Guaifenesin
Carbocystiene -Mucopront , rhinathiol
Salbutamol- Ventolin
Ipratropium- Atrovent
Theopylline -Quibron
Aminophylline- Euphyllin
Beclomethasone -Becotide
Budesonide -Palmicort
Sodium cromoglycate -Intal
Fluticasone Propionate + Salmetrol- Seretide

Pseudo ephedrine- Actifed

*Concentration of crystal violet paints in B.P 0.5 % and in USP is 1 %
*Concentration of mercurochrome solution is 2 %


Drug -Antidote
Heparin- Protamine Sulphate
Warfarin -I.V. Vitamin K
Paracetamol*** N – Acetyl cysteine
Heavy ,,,,ls- Dimercaprol
Morphine- Naloxone
Poisoning by Lead, Mercury & arsenic- Penicillamine
Iron -Deferoxamine
Cyanide- EDTA
Copper and lead- Penicillamine
Strychnine -Mephensine
propranolol- Adrenaline , isoprenaline
*Quinolone antibiotic

Ciprofloxacin -Ciprobay
Ofloxacin -Tarivid
Levofloxacin- Tavanic
Norfloxacin- Noroxin
Nalidixic acid- Nalidram, negram
Pefloacin- Peflacin

Erythromycin- Erythrocin
Azithriomycin -Zithromax
Clarithromycin- Klacid
Roxithromycin -Roxamide
Spiramycin- Rovamycin
Gentamycin Sufate- Gentamicin, garamycin
Tobramycin Sufate -Nebcin
Neomycin- Neomycin
Kanamycin -Kanamycin
Streptomycin Sufate- Streptomycin
Amikacin- Amikin -Rulid
Aminosidine sulfate- Gabroral
First generation Cephalosporin's

Cephradin -Velosef
Cephalexin monohydrate -Keflex
Cephazolin Sodium- Totacef
Cephaodroxil- Ultracef
Second generation Cephalosporin's
Cefaclor- Ceclor
Cefuroxime- Zinnat
Cefoxitim Sodium -Mefoxin
Third generation Cephalosporin's
Cefotaxim Sodium- Claforan
Ceftriaxone Pentahydrate- Fortum
Ceftriaxone Sodium- Rocephin
Fourth generation Cephalosporin's

Cefepime- Maxipime , Suprax
Penicillin G- Retarpen
Penicillin V -Ospen
Penicillinase Resistant Penicillin's

Cloxacillin- Ultraxin
Flucloxacillin- Floxapen
Broad Spectrum Penicillin's

Amoxicillin -Amoxil
Amoxicillin + Clavulanate- Augmentin
Antipseudomonal Penicillin's

Piperacillin Sodium- Pipril
Ticarcillin -Timentin
Other Antibiotics
Spectinomycin -Togomycin
Vancomycin- Vancocin
Sulfamethoxazole+ Trimethoprim- Septrin , Bactrim
Nitrofurantoin -Furadantin
Clindamycin- Dalacin
Timpenem -Tienam



:: عضو مميز ::

جزاك الله خير

تقبلوا مروري


:: ضيف شرف ::



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