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مصطلحات و تعبير انجليزى و ترجمتها للعربية

مصطلحات و تعبير انجليزى و ترجمتها للعربية ( ممتاز )
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أقدم لكم اليوم 100 مصطلح انجليزى و ترجمتها للعربية مع أمثلة لتوضيح المعنى و ارجو أن تعجبكم التعابير و المصطلحات .

Take it on the lamb

(flee in a hurry)

معناه : يهرب مهرولا أو بسرعة

Poor Rich has always had his problems with the police. When he found out that they were after him again, he had to take it on the lamb. In order to avoid being caught and thrown in jail, he was forced to flee in a great hurry.

Horse of a different colour

(quite a different matter)

أمر مخنلف تماما
Eric likes to play jokes on his friends, but he makes sure that nobody is hurt by any of his pranks. A prank that hurts someone is a horse of a different color! Being playful is one thing, but hurting someone by one's prank is quite a different matter.

Give me a break

Keep away form me

ارحمنى – ابتعد عنى
You are teasing me , please give me a break .

Cat got one's tongue

(Can't talk)

لا يستطيع التحدث
What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?
If you must know, I'm keeping quiet because I was scared out of my wits!

People who live in glass houses shouldn't through stones

(one should not criticize when one is equally at fault)
لا يجب أن ينتقد المرء اناسا و هو يفعل مثلهم

أو كما يقول الشاعر : لا تنه عن خلق و تأتى مثله عار عليك ان فعلت عظيم

Janet has often criticized her friend. Lois for driving too fast, yet she herself has had her license suspended for exceeding the speed limit. Lois once tried to tell her that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, but it didn't do much good. Janet simply didn't accept the fact that she should not pass judgment on other people when she is just as bad as they are.
Somebody can't find a shoe in a shoe box
للتعبير عن الحيرة و قلة الحيلة
و يعنى حرفيا : لا يستطيع ان يجد حذاء فى صندوق احذية
John is the most naïf he can't even find a shoe a shoe box
He is completely confused .

6-All Thumbs


بمعنى أنه أخرق او تعوزه الدقة
Hey, Bea. Can you help me out? I don't seem to be able to button up the back of my dress.
Sure. Let's see if I can do it for you.
I guess I'm all thumbs because I'm so nervous. I'm already late for my date.
Well, I suppose that being so nervous would make you clumsy and awkward. But don't worry I'm sure your date will wait.

Not To Have A Leg To Stand On
(to have no good defense for one's opinions or actions)

بمعنى انه لا دليل او برهان له أو لما يفعل
Tom maintains that the firm owes him some back wages for having worked overtime. However, he won't have a leg to stand on unless he can prove that he put in all those extra hours. He doesn't stand a chance of getting his money without a strong foundation of facts to support his position.

Shake a Leg

اى أسرع

Mary, you always take such a long time to put on your makeup. Come on, shake a leg!
I'll be finished in a minute. Be patient. You've got to hurry or else we won't arrive on time to see the last show.
Drive a hard bargain
( to work hard to negotiate prices or agreements )
يفاوض بشدة على أمر ما

I saved 200$ by driving a hard bargain when I bought my new car .
Dressed to the nines

Dressed very well

يلبس لباسا انيقا للغاية
He was dressed to the nines in yesterday's concert .

Hold on your horses

do not be in a hurry

أى : على رسلك أو لا تعجل

What a hasty man you are !!
Hold on your horses .

Able to breath easily again

Able to relax after busy stressful time

يتنفس الصعداء
و خاصة بعد عمل او وقت عصيب

After the criminal is caught ; we will be able to breath easily again

See ( somebody ) off

to say farewell or good-bye to some one
يودع شخص ما

I will see Ahmad off tomorrow

Put (one's) hand to the plow

To begin doing a very important task
Or : to exert a great effort

أى : يشرع فى القيام بعمل هام يبذل فيه جهدا كبيرا

If only John can put his hand to the plow , he can do an excellent job

Apart and a parcel

A part that can not be dispensed
جزء لا يتجزأ

Tourism is a part and a parcel of our national income

Wheel and deal

To take part cleverly in some matter but dishonest dealing specially in business
بمعنى : يشارك بفاعلية فى عملية نصب ( خاصة فى الأعمال التجارية )

He likes to wheel and deal in the money markets

When at Rome, do as Romans do

A person should behave as the local residents do
حينما تكون فى روما تصرف كأهلها
و يقصد به ان تتصرف كما يتصرف اهل هذا البلد

When the cat is away , the mice play

People will get into a mischief when they are not watched

و هو مثل يعنى : ان غاب القط لعبت الفئران

What a naughty student . When the teacher is away , he keeps teasing me . Really , When the cat is away , the mice play

When the hell freezes

To express some thing that is impossible to happen
حين يتجمد الجحيم
و هو تعبير تستعمل عند استحالة حدوث أمر ما

No , you won't take it from me . You can only when the hell freezes

When the time is ripe

When we come to the exact time
حينما يحين الوقت

In October war 1973 Egyptians attacked when the time was ripe .

White elephant

Some thing that is not useful or useless
شئ تافه عديم القيمة

This is nothing , it is just a white elephant


:: عضو مميز ::

جزاك الله خير

تقبلوا مروري


:: عضو جديد ::

جزاك الله خيرا
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يشاهدون الموضوع : 1 ( عضو0 زائر 1)
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