عرض مشاركة واحدة


:: عضو متقدم ::

تحضير لغة انجليزية الصف الاول الابتدائي - الفصل الدراسي الأول - حصرياًََ!!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بعد طول معاناة وما زلت ابحث عن كتاب المرشد المعلم للغة الانجليزية للمرحلة الابتدائية ولكني لم اجد وما في الاسفل انما هو تحضيري الخاص من تأليفي نتيجة للخبرة التي اكتسبتها هنا بمصر اتمنى ان تنال من اعجابكم
ادعولي بالرجوع الى الكويت
Unit 1 Lesson 1

Teaching Objectives
1. Greetings and responding to greetings
2. Introducing oneself

Pupil's Book, ActivityBook, Cassette, Whiteboard, Characters teacher-made realia artwork, Flashcards

Walk to a student, shake his hands and say "How are you?" "What's your name?" - elicit "I'm fine. Thanks... My name is Ali.

New Words
Hello, I, Ali, Haya, Dana, Salem, Funni, teacher

New Structures
.I'm Ali
.I'm Haya
.I'm the teacher

Pairwork, Groupwork

Games and Activities:
1. Try to sing a song saying "Hello, I'm Ali"
2. Point and Say
Point to yourself, say "Hello I'm........ students say "the teacher".....


Ali .............

وللمدرسين والمدرسات اللي يسألون اشلون اشرح الدرس

Hold-up Haya Flashcard, point to yourself and say Hello, I'm Haya. Students repeat
Hold-up the teacher flashcard or point to yourself and say "Hello, I'm the teacher. Students repeat
Do this for the remaining characters flashcards

Bring a student to the front of the classroom to be the role of the teacher. The student holds up each of the flashcards and greets the seated students saying "Hello, I'm.......

Bring another student to the front of the classroom. Have the student point to himself saying "Hello, I'm..... and have him say his name

Do this with other students. Continue for about 7 minutes
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة AmgedIsmail ; 11 - 08 - 2015 الساعة 04:13 AM